How to Promote Blog to Be Famous

How To Promote Blog To Be Famous - How to promote your blog so famous it is very diverse. Remove friends thought of limitation of search engine, because it's a blog to promote the very many ways that you can take. I will share some ways that I know here.

Promoting a Blog Online

Using Facebook to promote your blog
Currently Facebook is the most popular social media. So there are several ways that you can use to promote your blog on facebook. For example:

Looking for friends
Currently we allow facebook to find friends to 5000 people. If we can maximize it, then every time we post our blog posts onf acebook, then chances are getting visitors from facebook friends can be very large.

Creating a fan page
If you feel 5000 is a very small amount, then you can create a fan page that the number of followers is not limited to such personal accounts. That means you can promote your blog writings to more people.

Join the group
If you are not able to hunt many fans, then you can look for a blog that has a large and joined to it to promote your writing there.

Promoting blog posts in the Forum
If your blog has a specific theme, then you can search for forums that are in tune with your blog and share your writing there. So the mode is that you answer questions or respond to a thread in the forum by posting your link as a reference. Make sure you use words that draw readers to click on your reference.

Promoting Blogs by way blogwalking
You can also get around to commenting on the blog or the blog admin blog invites visitors to stop by the blog to your blog. If you are lucky, then some of this blog is dofollow, so it will automatically become a backlink for you. Promotion and seek backlinks from Indonesian blogs will help you to improve ranking on Google Indonesia (

Blog Promotion Offline

For those of you who create a blog for business purposes or a particular event, you can promote your website on offline media such as newspapers, stickers on public transportation, business cards, and many other offline media.

But before you do a promotional blog that has nothing to do with the search engines like Google you need to know that every blog has the potential for different responses. If you find your blog quiet-quiet course, then there are two possibilities:

  • First, you may be promoted in the wrong place (not market your blog).
  • Second, you may use words that are not attractive promotion.

You should also note that the market potential of each blog is different. So just because there are many who visit does not mean you failed campaign. It could be the theme of your blog search is very limited. So before you start to build a blog helps you do a keyword research.

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