m-Blogger.web.id - How to create SEO friendly meta tag is simple. But before I discuss the problem of meta tags, I want to emphasize that the search engine robots are now very independent, so it does not really need the input from the owner of the blog to make an assessment.
In simple terms, the meta description tag will be divided into 3 parts, namely:
- Meta Tag Key
- Meta Tag Not So Important
- Meta Tag At Risk If Used
Meta Tag Key
As I said earlier that the Google robot and his friends have been strongly developing their algorithms so very little assistance it needs to determine the points page. Some meta tags are still very important for SEO are:
Meta Description
It is the most important meta tags, meta tag description therefore should be used as possible. Although meta tags are very important, but search engines like Google can ignore it if it is considered a buildup keywords. So do not let the meta description contains words that repetition is more than twice.
<*meta name='description' content='Brief description of each page in this code'/*>
Meta Robots
Meta robots meta tag is SEO Friendly only be used if you wish to block the robot from a page. Therefore, it is a funny thing if one is using the meta robots index value, follow.
Google, and his friends do not need this kind of meta tags to index a page, as long as there are no restrictions will definitely be indexed. So use this meta tag to the page you want to just keep it away from the touch of your search engine robots.
<*meta name='robots' content='noindex,nofollow' /*>
Title Tag
Technically this is not a meta tag, but always side by side with the meta description, so we might as well attach it here. Why is this important title tag? As this will be a display page title in search engine results.
Search engines use title tags to find out your main emphasis ingiinkan of the page that you created. But it should be noted that this limited 70 characters, so the title that you do not create an extension and should contain keywords.
<*title>How to Make SEO Friendly Meta Tags<*/title>
Meta Tag Not So Important
Meta Content Type (charset)
This meta tag is used to declare an encoding how a website. So the main function is that the browser does not recognize one way to show your page, so you look messy impressions. It is not so important in the concept of SEO Friendly because there is absolutely nothing to do with ranking.
Warning: If you install one, could even be your own which makes it looks a mess.
<*Meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = 'Type = text / html; charset = utf-8 "/*>
Meta Keywords
It is the most meta disalahpami. Meta tags do not affect one's already ranking again. New models is meta news_keywords and only used in order to identify the exact Google keywords you want. But if you do onpage SEO method correctly, then the meta this one is not 100% necessary.
What is the correct Onpage SEO? In simple you print bold keywords in the article, and put the keyword in the title, or image. If you do this then no meta keywords though Google and friends will catch the main emphasis of your article.
But if you like please attach, but not too much so as not to harm you. What is excessive? It's easy, do not repeat a word more than 3 times.
<*meta name='keywords' content='meta tags, seo friendly' /*>
Meta Language
Meta language used to tell the processor language, what language you use to write a web page. Meta even this had no effect anymore, because I could identify the language of a blog even if you do not install this meta. So in short this meta short story has nothing to do with SEO techniques.
<*meta http-equiv='content-language' content='fr' /*>
But this time the www consortium has confirmed that this method is not used. You must use a meta tag attribute comparison, if you want to define the language.
<*html lang='en'*>
Examples of other applications are when you write in a blog Indonesian, then there is a fragment written in English, then you can mark the fragment.
<*p lang="en"> This result contains too many errors<*/p>
Meta Tags Other
There are several meta tags that also frequently appear in blogs that are attempting to become SEO friendly.
<*meta content='Indonesia' name='geo.placename'/*>
<*meta content='Tips latest SEO Tricks for bloggers pemula' name='subject'/*>
<*meta content='Trik Easy SEO' name='Author'/*>
<*meta content='all' name='audience'/*>
<*meta content='general' name='rating'/*>
<*meta content='id' name='geo.country'/*>
Everything is not so important in SEO because it did not fix the ranking. For example, geo location meta geo.country or stating the location of "headquarters" of a website, have long ignored by Google.
The reason is simple, because many such meta robots that actually misleading. Most of this meta copy and paste the results so reduces the accuracy of the information submitted by Google to its users. Therefore, I might as well ignore it.
Meta Tag At Risk
After Meta Revisit
Formerly meta tag is used to tell robots crawl rate we want over our blog. But this meta has been ignored by Google, because this meta quite popular among spammers. So do not bother to put meta tag revisit after that it's not SEO Frindly.
Moreover, if you are a user of the platform blogspot blog. Google itself that will determine the crawl rate will be given to your blog. So do not bother using this meta tag to tell Google that you want indexing period.
Meta Refresh
It is strongly recommended that meta. Even the WWW Consortium or W3C encourages to not use the meta tag on this one because it can lead to confusion on the web users. Why web users could be confused? Because this meta refresh is used to refresh a page every certain time interval.
Can you imagine if you're busy reading something suddenly refresh the page? Definitely kesalkan? And you still have to find where was your last position reading.
Examples of meta-refresh to reload every 10 seconds:
<*meta http-equiv='refresh' content='10'/*>
Meta refresh is also done by many webmasters who want to inflate the value of pageviews per visit on his blog. Because it did not benefit, and instead open a crack for web spam. Google also ignores meta this one.
What is a web spam? Yes, this meta commonly used to fool Google in order to deliver visitors to a page. And once visitors arrive, he will be redirected to another site.
<*meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30;URL='http://www.otherwebsite.com'/*>
So if your goal is a meta tag that is SEO Friendly, then there are only 3 tags that you need to consider, namely: Title, Description, and Robots. The others do not have to worry about it.
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