m-Blogger.web.id - How to become rank 1 in Google it easy bother. Depends on the value of the keyword competition you're after. Currently my own blog is difficult to be rank 1, because this blog is using the new domain. So, should increase quality article and quality backlinks, in to be rank 1.
The Things to Look Basics of SEO
- Use SEO Friendly template blog.
- Diligently adding a quality article.
- Doing Link Building natural or at least seem natural.
The first point is only done at the beginning and do not too often edit the template. The second and third points to be done repeatedly, until a popular blog.
If you are lazy to search for backlinks, then make a diligent article. If you're too lazy to write an article, then the diligent search for backlinks. But the best of course if you do both diligently.
Some Additional Tips For Being rank 1 in Google
The hierarchy of headings should be good blogs
Good blog hierarchy in terms of headings will help you improve the position in Google. Make sure the most important points in the tagged pages h1, and h2 tagged discussion points. If h2 still have discussion points, then give the h3 tag. Use bullets or numbering also for the next points, as this will make your blog professional impression.
Short Paragraphs Main
This short paragraph is intended to provide a brief overview of the contents of your article. This paragraph should also contain keywords that you're after, and be sure the bold print. I myself used to put the main short paragraph at the beginning or at least the second or third paragraph.
Perform Interlinking Between Pages
Make sure that every article that you have created possessed the link to the article. The more important an article on a blog, the more also links that refer to the article. This will make the article has the greatest strength of all the articles that are in the blog and make the article a great opportunity to reach rank 1 in Google if you do it right optimization.
Use the Sitemap to your Blog
This sitemap will help your blog visitors to search for a list of articles you have. But there is one thing to note here, that is the number of links should be limited to only 100 links for each sitemap.
Why should it be limited like that? Since the average Google will crawl the page to 100KB size text only version of the browser. After that I will leave the page. Usually it has a page size of 100KB 100 links only, so if you want to make sure all the links to read, then limit your links on the sitemap.
Use Title Tag The Descriptive
This is a very important factor in your plans for the rank rank 1 in Google. Title tag has the role and points are very large, so do not waste the title tag. There are basic rules of the title tag should you notice that "THE MORE IMPORTANT IN THE FUTURE", so the keywords you are targeting should be in the beginning of the title tag. Title tags are limited only 70 characters, but from personal experience title tag should limit of 5-10 words.
Use Meta Description The Natural
Usually a lot of bloggers who use the meta description of a long with so much repetition of keywords. Better not do that. 100-150 character is very pretty and there are words that should not be repeated more than twice.
Perform Link Building That Impressed Natural
After the era of this penguin is something that is very important to keep the friends limit. Do not like it used to be where we greedily find backlinks, because this 100 day quality backlinks look natural and really pretty to slam blogs with 10,000 backlinks unnatural.
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